Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Week Ago

A week ago we welcomed 'lil' Z into our home. Last Thursday around 4 I got a call from our Licensing Worker and she needed a home for a 3 year old boy - an hour and 15 mins later we were headed home with the lil guy in tow.... I say lil but really that is far from the truth... 'lil' Z  weighs in at 46 lbs and is as tall as most 6 or 7 year olds...

I can honestly say that our week has gone fairly smooth - we have had our moments or hours when Daniel and I just looked at each other wondering what we have gotten ourselves into... I am sure there will be many more of those times to come but for the time being the house is quiet and 'lil' Z is tucked into bed snoring away. The first couple nights we were extremely spoiled - he slept all night but now he seems to think that 1:00 am is a great time to wake up and wonder around the house... I don't really mind getting up and cuddling him back to sleep its the getting up at 4:30 am to stay that is a little more difficult to handle :-) 

The past week would not have gone as smoothly as it has without our families, we have been sooo humbled by the love that our families have already poured into 'lil' Z's life. I never doubted that our family would love any child that came into our home but it is amazing how God works in hearts and continues to stretch us to love just a little bit more. It's like my mom said... it's impossible not to love him when you ache for where he came from and you want to fix it for him and keep him from getting hurt again.

It seems like we have already come so far in just a week I really can not wait to look back over the weeks and see each area that 'lil' Z has improved and grown. He is delayed in his speech but he seems to add a couple words each day.. Today he kept going to the garage door and saying  "bye, bye, daddy"... this may seem normal to most but for 'lil' Z it is a huge improvement... First... he says 'daddy' and second... he loves his daddy and his daddy gets him all wound up and laughing - less than a week ago when i left the room he would cry out scared to be left with Daniel and wouldn't even hardly let him hold him. 

I think I may have posted lyrics to this song before because I really love it but tonight when I was driving home from the doctor the words just jumped out at me and become so much more real.

Little hands, shoeless feet, lonely eyes looking back at me
Will we leave behind the innocent too brief
On their own, on the run when their lives have only begun
These could be our daughters and our sons
And just like a drum I can hear their hearts beating
I know my God won’t let them be defeated
Every child has a dream to belong and be loved

Boys become kings, girls will be queens
Wrapped in Your majesty 
When we love, when we love the least of these
Then they will be brave and free
Shout your name in victory
When we love when we love the least of these
When we love the least of these

We have been so blessed by our friends and family, we can not thank you enough for your love and support. Thank you for lifting us up in prayer in the past and please continue to do so in the future as we know that there will be difficult times ahead. I will try to update my blog as much as possible but believe me adding a 3 year old to your home keeps you moving and there always seems like there are a million things to do when things are finally quiet.

have a blessed evening.
Daniel, Larissa, and 'lil' Z


  1. Blessing to you guys!! Will be praying for you!

  2. It is so wonderful to see how God is using you to make a difference in one little boys life! We will keep you in our prayers and we pray that you can continue to make progress and enjoy your time with the little guy!
    Jesse & Karla

  3. This post has me in tears. Through all the frustration and disappointment, God had a special little boy hand-picked for you guys to care for. Thank you for being Jesus to this little one! Much love, Jenna
